CAFAM data works in real time where all reporting is based on the databases at the time of print. Thus a stock valuation report will be based on the data at the time of doing the Print report. However, if you need a Stock Valuation report for a date in the past it can be done by mathematically using transactions files that records stock movements from the present to the date in question. The maths in the reporting will take the current stock position bottom line total and "add" back the value of materials that were issued from stock from the date in question, and "subtract" the value of parts received. Provided your transactions files (Parts Issued and Parts Received) are correct the report produced should be (?) accurate
For further details and screen shots please see the attachment
Retro Valuation of Stock Retro Valuation of Stock
Retro Valuation of Stock Retro Valuation of Stock
- Attachments
- Retro_stock_Valuation.pdf
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