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Control Files - what do they mean

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2021 8:01 am
by TechTeam
Some screens prompt for fixed data input and ensures accurate data entry in CAFAM. All these pop-up fields entries can be edited, deleted or added in UTILITIES > CONTROL FILES.

Note the BROWSE sub-menu that is prompted (Top LH corner) which gives you full edit functions (CTRL+T to delete records, or CTRL+Y to append a new line, etc). If you intend to allow "Blank" to be a valid entry, it must also be created here. Herewith is brief explanation of some of the tables (Note that not all are listed here):

A two digit entry to separate and segregate stock for accounting purposes e.g. IN=Instruments, AV=Avionics, PI=Piper, etc

A two digit entry to denote the condition of the item e.g. NE=New, US=Unserviceable, OH=Overhaul etc

A three digit code to denote Outstations where stock could be located

A six digit code to control entry of Bin Locations

CURE DATE GROUP VS YEARS (Applies to PSP Version of CAFAM only)
A single digit of letter is used here to validate the 5th Digit of the Cure Date entry. In addition this letter is used to automatically compute and enter the Shelf life of the item. E.g.
4Q98X = 4th Quarter of 98 where X is a 10 year life. Thus the shelf life of the item will be 12/2008 ie Dec year 2008

A two digit Country code to maintain Accuracy of various reports Is used during the process of entering the Name and Address of the Customer

CUSTOMER CATEGORY (Applies to PSP Version of CAFAM only)
Various Letters can be set up here which are validated when entering the Name and Address of the Customer. These letters are used to extract the Name & Address file for Marketing reasons E.g.
ntering in this table:
Will be used to ensure accuracy in the Contact Sub-menu in the Customer Name and Address database

DELIVERY CODE (Applies to PSP Version of CAFAM only)
A two digit code to represent number of Days thus when creating a Sales Order, entering the Delivery Code will automatically calculate the Due Delivery Date

The various forms that are used can be edited here. Page Up or Page Down , to view each form in turn. Note that CAFAM writes this date to the default file called FPGEPRP.DBF. Each user is assigned their own copy of this file and is identified by the suffix of their login initials, e.g. FPGE_JD.DBF. For changes made here to take effect you must delete the Users previously assigned file, CAFAM will create a new file on detecting the old one being deleted. Some of the forms have a special significance in the way that they are defined.

1. Forms which would relate to Purchase Orders (e.g. TITLE=ORDER) must be set in the field RELEASE with the letter "O". Only those with this setting = "O" will be listed in the drop-down search when generating and printing a Purchase Order with regard to the Release required from the Supplier

2. Forms which would relate to Sales Orders (e.g. TITLE=CERT1A, CERT2 etc) must be set in the field RELEASE with the letter "C". In addition in the case of PSP Users, a level number must be entered. This ensures that compatible releases or better can be used during Parts Issues. Only those with this setting = "C" will be listed in the drop-down search when generating and printing a Approved Certificates with regard to the Release required by your Customer

3. Forms which relate to Worksheets/WorkCards needs the letter "W" to create the Filter